Children who are suffering from very heavy cold, flu or fever, or are obviously ill in any other way should be kept at home, both for their own benefit and to avoid the risk of spreading illness.

Short-term medication
We advise that short-term medication is administered by parents / guardians at home. Most prescriptions require a maximum of 3-times-a-day dosage. In most instances, doses can be given at breakfast-time, tea-time and bed-time.
If it is unavoidable that prescription medication needs to be administered in school, parents must inform the class teacher in person, deliver the medication in the original container and complete an appropriate form. It is not permissible to send in medicine with your child, without informing the teacher in person.
Teachers may then agree to supervise the taking of medication. However, this is done on a voluntary basis and there may be circumstances with which the teacher is not comfortable. In such cases, you may have to discuss the issue with the Principal.
Non-prescription medication cannot be kept or administered in school.
Long-term and emergency medication
Certain drugs (eg Ritalin) must be kept locked in the school office. Delegated members of staff will supervise children taking such medication and additional paperwork is required. Items such as Epi-pens are also held securely, with only trained members of staff authorised to administer.
Certain emergency medication and reliever inhalers can be carried by children, provided parents have contacted the teacher and appropriate forms are completed.
For all medication enquiries, your first point of contact should always be the class teacher who, once informed of the issue, will be able to direct you appropriately.
Health Issues and Allergies
It is very important for parents to inform us of any special needs that your child may have, at the time of enrolment. If any such needs become apparent during your child’s school career, again please let us know as soon as possible. Help is available to you from within school and from a range of outside agencies.
Nut Allergy
Finaghy PS is a nut-free environment. A number of our pupils suffer from nut allergies, which, if triggered, can have serious consequences. Some children need only touch products containing nuts for the allergic reaction to be triggered. We therefore ask that no nuts or nut-related products are brought into school. This includes peanuts, peanut butter, or even products containing nut oil.
Please check the contents of snacks and other food that your child brings into school. Many products are now marked ‘contains nuts’, but some that are made using nut oil are not just as obviously marked.
Other Allergies
If your child suffers from any other form of allergy, please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can prepare for his or her needs.
Full policy available
Full policy available on request, just get in contact with us and we can provide you with all the details you need