Welcome to Finaghy Primary School

At Finaghy Primary School we aim to prepare children for life in tomorrow’s world. We believe that parents require more from a school than they did in the past. Teaching the ‘three ‘r’s, whilst still important, is now only one part of what we do.

As well as teaching the academic subjects, our curriculum now includes:

  • Personal & Social Education
  • Citizenship Education
  • Health Education
  • IT/Media/Internet Safety
  • Mutual Understanding and Thinking & Learning Skills

Upcoming Events & Holidays

Pupil Council Visit Stormont
Our Pupil Councillors had an interesting and informative visit to Parliament Buildings, Stormont. They learned about the history of Stormont as well as the democratic process.


Many thanks to the School Cllrs @Finaghyps for taking part in our session today to discuss the role of the Assembly and how laws are made. Thanks also to Ms Mawhinney (teacher) for booking the session.

Daycare Holiday Forms
Could all half term holiday forms be returned as soon as possible for Daycare staff to plan cover during the half term holiday.
Thank you.

Peer Readers 2025
Introducing our Peer Readers who are sharing their love of reading with the younger pupils in school, as well as sharing thoughts and opinions on a variety of books during their Book Club.

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